The Nominating Committee (NC) should decide how the Board's performance may be evaluated and propose objective performance criteria.
The evaluation should consider the Board’s composition (balance of skills, experience, independence, knowledge of the company, and diversity), Board practices and conduct, and how the Board as a whole adds value to the company. The performance criteria should be approved by the Board. The Board should consider the use of peer comparisons and other objective third party benchmarks. These performance criteria should not be changed from year to year, and where circumstances deem it necessary for any of the criteria to be changed, the onus should be on the Board to justify this decision.
The evaluation of individual director’s performance should aim to assess whether each director is willing and able to constructively challenge and contribute effectively to the Board, and demonstrate commitment to his or her roles on the Board (including the roles of Chairman of the Board (Chairman) and chairman of a board committee). The Chairman should act on the results of the performance evaluation, and, in consultation with the NC, propose, where appropriate, new members to be appointed to the Board, or seek the resignation of directors.
To provide a greater level of objectivity in the evaluation process, the Board may consider the use of external facilitators in the performance assessment. Such facilitators should be independent of the company and its directors.