Section 3: Concepts and Terms | 27 The term “Key Management Personnel” or “KMP” is used in the Code to refer to “the CEO and other persons having authority and responsibility for planning and controlling the activities of the company”. This would typically comprise the CxOs (CEO, COO, CFO, CHRO, CCO, CRO, CTO, etc.) and other titles such as President and Managing Director depending upon the size of the company. For the purpose of the CG Guides series, the term “senior management” is used interchangeably with KMP. The above groupings of employees are significant for the Board, and especially the RC. Section 1.1.3 and Appendix 1C of the RC Guide provide an overview of the RC’s scope on remuneration and talent management in relation to each group of employees. The engagement of the Board and the Committees with their respective functions within the company is described in Section 3.5 of this Guide. Applicable Guide(s) Other Employees Other Executives CxOs / Principal Officers CEO KMP/Senior Management Executives All Employees Employees of a Company