Resource Guide

44 | Resource Guide 4.1 Introduction Corporate governance is about the systems, rules and processes that ensure that the interests of the various players in the corporate ecosystem are aligned in an open and transparent way. The principles and practices of corporate governance have evolved over time, both internationally and in Singapore. Some have been codified in key documents. The text of the following two Singapore documents are provided here: • The Code of Corporate Governance . The Code is issued by the MAS. Singapore-listed companies are required under SGX- ST Listing Rules to describe how their corporate governance practices comply with the Code, and explain any deviations and the alternative arrangements in place (i.e. comply or explain), in their annual reports. The Code was first issued in March 2001, and revised in 2005, 2012 and 2018. The full text of the 2018 version of the Code is provided here. • The Singapore Stewardship Principles . This set of principles was developed for responsible investors by a local consortium of industry players (including SID) in the corporate governance ecosystem in 2016. Adoption of the Principles is on a voluntary basis. The full text of the Principles is provided here.