Resource Guide

4 | Resource Guide Board Guide Section 1 Corporate Governance Section 2 Board Composition Section 3 Board Agenda Section 4 Board Duties Section 5 Director Duties Section 6 Board Relationships Section 7 Stakeholder Engagement Section 8 Disclosure Requirements AC Guide Section 1 AC Composition Section 2 AC Agenda Section 3 Risk Management and Internal Controls Section 4 Internal Audit Section 5 External Audit Section 6 Financial Reporting Section 7 Disclosure Requirements Section 1 of the Board Guide provides an overview of corporate governance and its evolution in Singapore as well as around the world. Section 2 of the Board Guide, and Section 1 of AC Guide and other Committees Guides on Board/Committee Compositions. Section 3 of the Board Guide, and Section 2 of the AC Guide and other Committees Guides on Board/Committee meetings and calendars. Remaining sections are specific to the Board and each Committee. Last Section on Disclosures. 1.3 Structure of the Board and Committees Guides The contents of the Board and Committees Guides are organised into fairly similar sections. The schematic below illustrates the general organisation using the Board Guide and AC Guide (as an example of a Committee Guide): Sections of the Board Guide and AC Guide