Section 6: Board and Director Evaluation | 195 CHAIRMAN PERFORMANCE EVALUATION FORM Name of Chairman Evaluated: _____________________ Evaluation Year: _______ Name of Director Evaluating: ____________________________________________ PERFORMANCE INDICATORS A. Chairman Duties 1 2 3 4 5 1. Leads the Board to ensure effectiveness in all aspects of its role. 2. Sets agenda and ensures timely distribution of Board papers before meetings. 3. Reviews Board minutes on a timely basis before circulation to directors. 4. Comes prepared for Board and shareholders’ meetings. 5. Promotes high standards of corporate governance and compliance responsibilities. B. Leadership 1. Manages time well in chairing meetings. 2. Keeps meetings focused on critical issues and brings early closure to minor matters. 3. Differentiates between management, operational and governance issues in Board discussions. 4. Draws contribution and different perspectives from all directors. 5. Effectively summarises outcome from Board discussion. 6. Ensures clarity in decision-making. C. Communication Skills 1. Is an effective spokesperson for the company. 2. Engages well with directors, shareholders and other stakeholders. 3. Is able to manage shareholders in general meetings.