66 | Nominating Committee Guide Appendix 3B CASE STUDIES Case Study 3B-1 Board Composition and Diversity This case study illustrates the factors which NC members can consider for Board composition and diversity. Context Company ABC was listed on the SGX-ST Mainboard nearly nine years ago. Over the years, it has prospered. Its core business has expanded from construction to property development. It has also ventured beyond Singapore into Southeast Asia. The Board comprises the following six Singaporean members: • Member A is a Chinese male ID and he is the Chairman of the Board. He has been on the Board for more than six years. He is a retired professional in his sixties. He used to be the CFO of one of the world’s leading international operators in the hospitality industry. • Member B is a Chinese male ID. He serves on more than six listed companies. He is also the AC Chairman of four of these listed companies. He is a retired professional in his late fifties. He joined two years after Company ABC was listed. • Member C is a ChinesemaleNI-NED. He is a retired professional who used to be in the advertising industry and serves as a director of five other listed companies, one of which is a major supplier to Company ABC with average yearly transactions of more than S$500,000. He joined with Member B. • Member D is a Chinese male ED and has been a member of the Board of Company ABC for the past nine years, when Company ABC was listed. • Member E is a Chinese male ED, and the youngest Board member. He is 55 years old and his expertise is in the construction industry. He joined two years ago. • Member F is a Chinese male ED and also a major shareholder of the Company. He has been on the Board since listing.