62 | Nominating Committee Guide • If the director makes representations in writing to the company, the company must disclose this fact. All members of the company should have access to a copy of the representations. If this is not done, the director may require the representations to be read out at the meeting without affecting his right to be heard orally. • Copies of the director’s representations need not be sent out and they need not be read out at the meeting if an application is made to the Court and it is satisfied that the rights conferred by legislation are being abused. If a director is to be removed by shareholders, the Board may want to seek professional advice and assistance to ensure that correct procedures are followed. 3.10.5 According to the LR, the company must make an announcement via SGXNet on the cessation of a director 49 . The announcement must contain information as stipulated inMR Appendix 7.4.2 and CR Appendix 7G. A sample of the information to be disclosed in the announcement is provided in Appendix 3E. 49 MR 704(7) and CR 704(6). 3E