Section 6: Disclosure Requirements | 255 Ref Disclosure Requirement When How Source 5.7.2 Directors and Executive Officers are required to submit an undertaking that to the best of their abilities, they will comply with the SGX-ST Listing Rules. Where false and misleading information is supplied, civil and criminal penalties may be applied. Undertak- ings to be submit- ted at the time of appoint- ment of new direc- tors and executive officers. SGX may request copies of undertak- ings. Submis- sion MR 720(1) and Appendix 7.7, CR 720(1) and Appendix 7H 5.11.2 The issuer should report on sustainability at least once a year. The issuer may include a summary in its annual report and/or issue a full standalone report. Annually within 5 months of the end of the financial year Annually (comply- ing with annual report deadline) Stand- alone Sustain- ability Report or Annual Report MR Practice Note 7.6 Para 5.1, CR Practice Note 7F Para 5.1.